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Thanks Dave. I'll have to order one from Amazon before spring and give it a try.

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5 hours ago, DAVES89 said:

The car wash denied my claim stating it had to be a defect in the car as 100's of cars go through every day. I called my insurance company and it is a comprehensive claim with a $100.oo deductible. Problem now is the shops are busy.


Man that seems kind of lame.  I would go leave them some bad reviews or something.

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7 hours ago, ship said:

I use this California squeegee to get the excess water off after washing and then a shamie.

One Pass Classic 12" Waterblade Silicone T-Bar Squeegee Purple…

I endorse the squeegee as well. My dad had one exactly like the pucture. Used it for years.  I need to get my own lol.

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14 hours ago, Ronnie said:

Thanks Dave. I'll have to order one from Amazon before spring and give it a try.

Ronnie, I bought mine locally...one at Walmart and the other at Autozone.

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On 1/9/2022 at 9:42 AM, DAVES89 said:

Here's something I'll bet you have never heard of before. My wife asked me to take her minivan to the car wash and be sure to get the "soft touch" wash which is the rotating cloth strips that clean your car. I read the warnings about not being responsible for loos items, antennas, mirrors etc so I folded the mirrors in and proceeded to get my car washed. About halfway through the cycle I felt droplets of water and thinking that the sunroof was just cracked open, pressed the button to close it [it was closed]. In the process I looked over my right shoulder and saw that somehow the brush had activated the sliding passenger door and now the door was completely open and the brush had come partly into the cabin but wanted to leave but couldn't. It was hooked on the inside edge of the door and pulled it completely off and finished washing the car [final rinse] spraying water into the cabin.

I quickly went outside the car and was able to get the door somewhat in place , enough to get to the store and explain what happened. As this was a "big box" retailer they directed me to the main store and ask for the manager which I did. Fortunately they also had an automotive repair area and I was able to bring the car in so the manager could fill out an accident report and take pictures. I was able to get the door completely situated in the track, closed and then we duck taped the entire door so it would be air tight and not come off.

Tomorrow I go for estimates and hope we can get the repairs done before I leave for Texas. The retailer has assured me that their insurance company will be contacting me and that they will pay the claim. I am pretty sure that will happen, but we will see. I am also contacting my company as well.

Just got a check from the insurance company for repairs. The check is just under $4000.00 The file is still "open" as there may be some hidden mechanical things as well as the repair of the heated steering wheel and heat/vented seats. Unbelievable!

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Hey Ronnie, looks like some winter weather has headed your way... how are you guys handling down there?

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We're good here. Light dusting of snow on the grass yesterday. Nothing on the roads here but other areas got more than us. Up in the mountains they got plenty of snow. It's 41* here right now. Weatherman on TV just said it would be in the low 50s tomorrow. We've been lucky so far.

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On Monday the 24th, we had 12"+ of snow, wind blowing big time, and about 15 degrees. Windchill would have been much lower, and if on the road (not me!) white-outs would have compromised visibility for driving. 

I've driven the Reatta in such conditions, and because of its low driver seat position, white-outs are quite scary. Much rather have the high seat position of my Avalanche. Since retirement, I now can "stay in" and wait for such conditions to subside before trekking out to shovel and use the snow-thrower. 

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Oops - my post above should have said Monday the 17th and not the 24th. 

I discovered my error when I wanted to post that on the morning of the 22nd, our temperature was -14 (that's 14 degrees below zero - yikes!).  Too cold for southwestern PA.

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Pretty nice here today. It's 47 here and going to about 50 by the end of the day. Sometimes we get into the teens but can't remember the last time it got to 0 or below. Probably during the blizzard of '93 but not sure it did then..

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We're in the low 20s right now. Soon to be the high for the day. We had 3" of snow overnight. Morning temp at 12. If I don't blow the snow before it gets out of the teens, the warmer air and/or retained heat from my asphalt driveway starts to melt the snow near the surface. That slight melting causes a bit of a slushy substance that my snow thrower doesn't like. 

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What a difference a few hundred miles north makes. I'm happy to say I have never even laid eyes on a snow thrower or a snowmobile.  

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14 degrees and scraped the driveway and sidewalk with no hat or gloves. Got to stay in shape for going junkin in the winter time. Less then an inch of light fluffy snow.

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2 hours ago, DAVES89 said:

14 degrees and scraped the driveway and sidewalk with no hat or gloves. Got to stay in shape for going junkin in the winter time. Less then an inch of light fluffy snow.

Yeah, our seemingly daily dose of tire lubricant. Not enough to require mechanical help, but enough to require removal or it eventually builds up and becomes ice from being driven on. Of course on the flip side, no mosquitos as I have mentioned before.🙄 Dave is blessed/cursed with hair; I don't have that issue, so I do wear a hat AND gloves. 

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Nor'easter snowstorm is heading up the coast, expected to hit the Boston area by late Friday (1/28) and last all day Saturday.  We are expecting a foot+ of fluffy, 50 to 60 mph winds with possible power outages. Oh yippie, I just love dealing with this stuff....where the @#*& is April?  

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Too bad Ship. We have been getting bitter cold and numerous less then 1" snows. I'm sure we will get hit with a big storm before the season is out.

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Those of you who visit this site frequently might notice there is a new donation box on the right side of the page. I really didn't want to have a prominent donation box in the forums but, like everything else since the pandemic started, the fees to keep ROJ online have increased substantially. There is a yearly hosting fee, a fee to keep the domain name (reattaowner.com) and a yearly fee to keep the forum software working properly and updated. Payment of all these fees is needed to keep ROJ online.


The fees came due this month and I had to make a decision. I could shut ROJ down. Cover it up with advertisements that nobody likes, including me. Or add a donation box on the side in hopes that people who like this website and forum will make a small donation to  help defray the cost of the fees. I thought the donation box was the best way to go because it is the least intrusive way of giving Reatta fans a chance to help support ROJ if they choose to do so. I have paid all the fees to keep ROJ online for another year.  I really like ROJ myself and all he comradery we have here in the forum so I hope I can keep it open but as you know the number of posts here are really getting low and the fees are getting higher.


I'm not trying to make any money off this website. I'm just trying to find a way to reduce the cost to me for keeping it online. If I could break even that would be great. If you feel like you want to make a donation to help keep ROJ online that is appreciated. The donation box provides an easy way to do that. I want to be clear, there is no requirement to make a donation to use ROJ or be a member of the forum. There never has been and there never will be.

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On 1/26/2022 at 4:23 PM, DAVES89 said:

Too bad Ship. We have been getting bitter cold and numerous less then 1" snows. I'm sure we will get hit with a big storm before the season is out.

Tonight is supposed to be our coldest night so far this winter. Going down to 17 with a high of 36 tomorrow Back up in the 50s next week.

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On 1/26/2022 at 4:02 PM, ship said:

Nor'easter snowstorm is heading up the coast, expected to hit the Boston area by late Friday (1/28) and last all day Saturday.  We are expecting a foot+ of fluffy, 50 to 60 mph winds with possible power outages. Oh yippie, I just love dealing with this stuff....where the @#*& is April?  

I hope you and other forum members up there are safe. It looks like it is bad on TV.

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