The following instructions are for removing the Rack and Pinion Assembly.
Refer to the photo at the bottom of the page.
Removing fluid from the Power Steering Pump will help with fluid running onto the floor when the Rack and Pinion Assembly is removed
- Loosen but don't remove the lug nuts on the front wheels.
- Raise the front and rear of the car with a jack and place on sturdy jack stands so the car will be level.
- Remove the front wheels from the car.
- Spray all the bolts and power steering lines (see photo) with penetrating oil and allow time for it to loosen rust.
- Turn the steering wheel until the wheels are aligned straight ahead.
- Remove the 4 bolts that hold the steering column to the dash and allow the column to drop down.
- Remove the bolt at the bottom of the steering column that holds the steering shaft to the Rack and Pinion Assembly.
- Slide the steering column shaft up and off the pinion shaft.
When installing the new rack, the shaft on the replacement rack MUST BE IN THE SAME position as the the original so the two will slide together, allowing the bolt to slide in the cut out portion. This will keep the steering wheel in correct alignment with the wheels when the job is completed. This will allow you to get to the bolt on the bottom of the steering column for removal and to install it.
- Loosen the jam nut on the inner tie rod.
- Disconnect the outer tie rod ends from the steering knuckles.
- Disconnect the tie rods from the steering rack.
Count how many rounds you turn the outer tie rod to remove it from the steering rack. (see inset in photo) Then screw the tie rods into the replacement steering rack the same amount to get the wheels back into close alignment so you can drive the car to an alignment shop when you are finished.
- Disconnect the power steering lines from the assembly.
This is a tight working space to remove the lines. Be careful not want to damage the lines.
- From under the hood, on the back side of the engine, use a ratchet and long extension(s) to remove the bolts that hold the assembly to the frame.
- Remove the wire connector from the power steering pressure sensor .
- Slide the assembly out the driver's side of the car.
Have the front end alignment checked on the car after installing the replacement rack and pinion.
Thanks to members of the Reatta forums for this information.