I have acquired this Reatta back in September of 2023 and have been steadily working on it. Got it with 224000 miles and it’s up to 231000 now. Just replace all my burnt out bulbs in the front and back. I just did some vacuumed lines, and the nipple off the cruise control Modular’s is broken. The headlights don’t shine to far ahead of me as if they’re just slightly drooping and only come up fully at 60mph, as the wind catches it. Just rebuffed all the paint. So it’s looking bueno. The trim on the side door is broken off and the metal part of the trim was hanging off. I had temporarily secured it. End goal is I’d love to put a super or turbo on it without changing any of the ecu or that. I’d love to keep the screen as I have an 89. So if there’s any suggestions let me know, and sorry if this a terrible sentence as I’m using text to speech. And to ronnie you’re now a well known name amongst my friends and I as we look through all the old posts from the aaca forums from 03-09 and the post here. They’ve all been amazing sources.
daytona Florida