That was my mindset when I decided to buy my Mustang. Gary has the same mindset. On our drive down to see the Mustang Gary told me it is getting hard to find older, unmolested, Mustangs that are in nice condition. He also said the prices on them were going up quickly on the really nice ones.
He asked what my budget was for a Mustang. I told him I knew nothing about Mustang prices, but I was willing to pay $5000-$10000 to get a nice one that didn't need much work. He said I should be able to get a nice one somewhere in that price range. After buying my Mustang, paying for sales tax, title fees, insurance, and about $450 in parts, I'm not at the top of my budget but I'm on the upper end of it.
Gary said he doesn't sweat spending money on something he wants anymore. He said he had already spent over $11,000 on the new "Dart" engine he's building to go in the Mustang he drag races. He said, "it's either spend it on something I want or leave it to my daughters when I die". That's getting to be my attitude to. I think a lot of us at our age feel that way.