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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/03/2024 in all areas

  1. Ronnie, your subject title says, "OFF TOPIC". It couldn't be any more specific/clearer than that. I personally have enjoyed reading about your car adventures beyond Reattas. Most of us have additional other cars we are interested in. We just need to remember to continue to label these writings as "OFF TOPIC". I've written about my Eldorado once and again. The dude's lucky that you keep this forum alive.
    2 points
  2. Your first photo reminds me that I'm going to have to get my roof replaced this Spring. I like the bird on top. 🙂 Nice photos!
    1 point
  3. Basically that is why I started the Reatta Lounge thread. It's for off topic posts that all get thrown in one basket randomly. The reason I didn't post my Mustang stuff in the Reatta Lounge is because there is no continuity to posts with other people posting random off topic stuff between my posts. I think a General Discussion topic would be the same way. My posts in my Mustang topic can be read from beginning to end and it will all make sense what I'm talking about. I think if I made all the Mustang posts in a General Discussion forum with other off topic posts mixed in it would be very confusing. Probably the best thing is for me to stop posting Mustang stuff in a Reatta forum. I wouldn't allow anyone else to do that so it's only fair that I stop if some forum members are opposed to me doing it.
    1 point
  4. I have no trouble with Ronnie's new car and I believe that anything that gets more participation is a good thing. If more people object why nor start a "General Discussion" column that doesn't involve Reattas?
    1 point
  5. As the administrator of ROJ, I think that you have earned the right to do go off topic and express yourself. I have not seen any ROJ replies to your thread which state otherwise. I personally find your thread and other's comments to be of interest .
    1 point
  6. This thread is a separate, stand alone thread among many. Sure, it is off topic, but is clearly labeled as such. I am pretty sure most car guys and gals have multiple interests and some history in other area or brands. I appreciate the fact that this forum still exists. I think the AACA forums lean a bit more to the traditional or purist side of the hobby. I visit the Facebook forums too, but even though there are owners there, some professional, that have many many Reattas over time, there are also many that could use the coordinated help of ROJ. Just my opinion, but Facebook seems a bit like every day is Groundhog Day, the movie. Every day is new, but the same.
    1 point
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