I didn't know they were called Torq Thrust. Thanks for letting me know. I like both wheel designs. I've still got my eye out for other designs I might like. I'm wanting to buy used so the wheels I end up with will be a balance between what I like the best and what I can get at a good price on. There are a lot of Mustang wheels for sale on Facebook Marketplace but most of them are either overpriced or in poor condition. I'm going to keep watching for a nice set near me that I like to come along at a good price.
I like the clean lines without the stripe, but I also like the look of the Mustang in the first photo. I'm going to wait to see what wheels I end up with before making a decision on the stripe decal. If I do get a stripe it will probably be dark blue instead of black to add a little color to the car. The Tennessee license plate I have on the back is about the same color. So if I get a tag from Amazon for the front, like in the photo below, the blue stripe will tie it all together with blue theme - front, back, and sides.
Text on the front plate will be "RONS * 99GT". For the county I might put MUSTANG there, or just put the county I live in. Not made up my mind on that yet.
BTW, if your state doesn't require you to have a state issued license plate on the front, you can get a tag like this for your state on Amazon and you can add the text you want on it. they are $14.99 + tax & shipping. No free returns or shipping on special order items like this.