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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/23/2024 in all areas

  1. Here isa list of prom versions Reatta Owners Journal - ECM PROM List You may try Jim Finn, he sells used Reatta parts. Jim Finn - Used Reatta Parts Jim Finn is a great source for used Reatta Parts. He has been selling used Reatta parts for many years. Jim now sells the Convertible Sun Visor Clips that were formally sold by Reatta Specialty Parts. He is well respected on the AACA and ROJ Reatta Forums. He can be reached at: reattas60@gmail.com
    1 point
  2. I'm not as smart as you guys. I start with what's simple and easy first and work my way to the hard things. So to start I tighten the battery connections, check and clean the grounds, remove the Delco coil pack and ignition module and clean the grounding plate and idle air control and chamber. If that doesn't do it then I start with swapping the MAF Sensor, then drive the car a bit. If that's not it then I swap out the coil pack and ignition module then drive it a bit. Then I swap out the O2 sensor and drive it some more. Last is plugs and wires because I keep a log in each Reattas owners manual on service interval. But the big difference is that all the parts that are swapped in are previously tested by me before I have a problem. I go to a salvage yard get the part install it and take the working part and put it in storage. Exception is the O2 sensor, those I buy new.
    1 point
  3. Interesting information, thanks. I just replace the sensor as a matter of maintenance. All the work is in the removing and replacing it and I do not have the test gear as described above. I guess I do have a handheld o'scope that would generate a similar wave form but not the hookup that the technicians would use. For a sensor that is less than $20, testing would make sense if it fails to do better, but from the limited information so far, the original is working.
    1 point
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