Earlier this year I purchased my 91 Hardtop with 75,000 miles for $5,500. At the end of May I purchased my 91 Maui Blue convertible with 12,750 miles for $15,000. Both had been on the market for some time, the original asking price for the hardtop was around $9,000, he had lowered the price. The original asking price for the convertible was $20,000.
In both cases I asked the seller what his bottom line was, and that is what I paid for them. Typically I do not try and talk people down. They know what they want, and I know what I am willing to pay. If their price is higher than I want to pay I pass on the deal. Don't want to insult someone with a lowball offer.
When I deal on eBay it is a different issue, they have make an offer, I make a lowball offer then they usually come back with a price we agree on.