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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/22/2023 in all areas

  1. I started to change the front brake pads on the MB this morning. When I started looking at what needed to be done to replace the pads it looked simple at first, and then I discovered that one of the pads has an electric wire going to it from a connector on the knuckle. I think it has an electronic wear indicator that turns on a light on the dash when the pads get worn down to a certain point. First time I've ran into this so I'm going to have to do some reading to find out how it works before I take it apart. I'm sure there will be a YouTube video that shows what I need to know. MB guys like to do YouTube videos.... lucky for me since I know very little about a MB.
    2 points
  2. That's what happens when you recycle stuff for different purposes🤣
    1 point
  3. Mine arrived at 8:45cdt. Boxes not in the best shape with struts rattling around loose, but they look perfect.
    1 point
  4. I know the book says it should self bleed and maybe it will, eventually, but I found applying vacuum was a great help. The pump works on a small amount of weight being flung to the outside of a chamber to do the pumping and air just doesn't seem to get the job done. Good luck
    1 point
  5. Welcome to the ROJ forum! You probably need to add Freon to get the A/C going. The way to do that and the tools you will need depends on whether your A/C has the original R12 freon in it or has been changed over to the newer R134a freon. This link will help you determine which one your car has. Reatta Owners Journal - How To Identify Change To R134a Freon
    1 point
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