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  1. That may be true but I wouldn't throw the baby out with the bath water. The supply of Monroe struts will probably be short lived and we will still need alternatives..
    3 points
  2. Thanks for following up and letting us know what fixed it!
    3 points
  3. well,I have O2 sensor data again. Just got done replacing the ECM. Looked like it had been replaced before. My wife said a couple weeks ago she had a feeling it was the computer. We will be married 36 years tomorrow so at least she finally gets her car back. Its running perfect. Thanks so much for all the help.
    3 points
  4. In the final analysis I wished I would have waited until everyone had a chance to turn their inventory over. It all started with an e mail from Rock Auto telling me that inventory on the strut MOUNTS I was interested in were still out of stock and would I be interested in staying on their list of people to contact when inventory was in. So on a flyer I checked the inventory on struts and was surprised to see they were there. I feel the worst for Marck at East Coast Reattas as I believe that Monroe allowed Rock Auto to get inventory before he did. I hope that his inventory arrives and he gets his orders shipped before too much damage is done to him and his business. He is the one that took on a big risk and could be hurt terribly by this happening.
    2 points
  5. Wow, it is crazy how this topic has turned on a dime, both in the past 24 hours (with Rock Auto stocking again) and within the last month (with ECRP announcing). My guess is the combination of ECRP asking, along with many of us calling or emailing Monroe, caused them to send someone to the tool room and they found the dies for the stabilizer bar bracket. My retirement from the strut building industry came early, at least for now. I made enough money for a few 12 packs of my favorite double IPA and glad I was able to help out a few folks along the way. Good people all coming together for a common cause. We need more of that in the world today.
    2 points
  6. I too appreciate what others have done for us in regards to an alternate for rear struts. A vote of thanks should also go out to Marck at East Coast Reatta for his negotiating with Monroe to make a batch for him to sell. It's because of his efforts that Monroe took their excess inventory of the correct "blanks" they had in inventory to make another run of struts that fit our car. What's surprising to me is that Rock Auto got them before Marck did [to date there has been no announcement from Marck that he has inventory] and are able to sell them. I know Rock Auto has inventory because I just received a confirmation that my order was shipped complete. I also believe that no one should make an announcement to any other forum [Facebook or AACA] that rear struts are now available from Rock Auto. this gives Marck and anyone else [Alchemist] fabricating rear struts a chance to sell off their inventory. Also gives Reatta Owners Journal a little more prestige as the "Go To" forum for all things Reatta.
    2 points
  7. Over the weekend another CRTC was salvaged from an 88 Reatta and with that installed, all the memory and misinformation in the diagnostic screens disappeared. The handwritten notes on the unit that was in the car indicates it was for a 1989 Riviera. Apparently it has some different programming regarding the data stream, even though it does operate the CRT well. Problem solved. The slow A/C leak is next of the agenda.
    2 points
  8. The rain moving in today reminded me that the windshield wiper on the MB was dry rotted and splitting apart. I was surprised that AutoZone had a 24" wiper blade in stock for it. This is the only car I've ever owned that has one big wiper blade that cleans the entire windshield. Although the wipers will rarely be used this is another item I can check off my list. Front brake pads arrived today from Amazon. I will be installing them soon.
    2 points
  9. The pair I ordered show as shipped also and should know Thursday if they are in fact correct. I have four pairs of other alternative strut substitutes, four different types. The strut cartridges and the set with a spring mount may wind up being eBay'd or given away, or even repurposed. This really caught us by surprise.
    1 point
  10. About a week ago the subject came up on Marck's Reatta Facebook group about his prices for the Monroe struts he was getting were overpriced. I rarely post in that group but I did so to let everyone know that I appreciated Marck's willingness to get these discontinued struts made and keeping other hard to find Reatta parts in stock. I let the members of that group know that we weren't trying to find alternatives to the discontinued struts because we didn't like Marck's prices but because we needed to find something that would work to keep our Reattas on the road. I think Monroe screwed Marck big time by letting RockAuto stock them before Marck had a chance to sell and ship his. I hope the price he is paying for them is the same as the price RockAuto is selling them for. If so, at least he might be able to sell his without a loss. I'm holding my breath for someone to receive their order of the shocks from RockAuto. I hope what they ship is what you ordered. My luck buying from them hasn't been great. Although they do have the best prices I don't like their shipping prices and policies.
    1 point
  11. I ordered my set from alchemist a couple days ago. I have no regrets supporting him for the effort he put in to making a solution for everyone. But this new development helps others with not as much funds. we shall see how long this rock auto supply of struts lasts. My bet is they won’t last a month past when ECRP ships theirs.
    1 point
  12. I have 3 pair of fronts for 2 Reattas. Extra strut mounts as well for both front and rear.
    1 point
  13. I now have 5 pairs for 2 Reattas...
    1 point
  14. This is probably the best, and most important, topic that has been started on this forum. We had a serious problem to solve with the rear struts being discontinued and no off-the-self alternatives could be found. We kicked around a lot of ideas and then came up with some good solutions to the problem. Solving problems and helping each other out is what the ROJ forum is all about. Thanks to everyone who participated!
    1 point
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