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  1. I would connect a timing light to a plug wire and shine it on the balancer. Sometimes doing that will make moving parts on an engine look like they are moving in slow motion. If it is wobbling you might be able to detect it by doing that.
    2 points
  2. 2 points
  3. I just got my Tech 1 and cartridges. Today I found a test that I thought was interesting. I can shut off the fuel to each cylinder while monitoring the RPM. All six fell about the same amount as I cycled through the test. It is my understanding that as I run this test, I am proving that each cylinder is firing correctly, there is fuel and compression. I looked in the manual for this test, did not find it, but I didn't look to hard. Just put this out there in case 333 did not run this test. Jim
    2 points
  4. I love gadgets and test instruments. It took me awhile to accumulate a system with the correct cables, cartridges, and adapters, this is part of the fun I have in the hobby. The reason I posted this thread, is I found very little information on the web for this system. If someone asks, I can scan a copy of the appropriate manual for them. Since this system works for most GM cars from the mid 80s to 2000 I am surprised there is not more info out there.
    1 point
  5. I do like the fact that that scanner has a direct readout of the rpm simultaneous with the injector shut off. Very handy and I wasn't aware of that.
    1 point
  6. The crankshaft is still in the 1995 S/C engine block and the balancer is the one it came with. In other words, it was previously installed on that crankshaft. I didn't get my snap gauges out to see if that tight area was tapered or not. The transition can be felt easily so I made the assumption that it was the reason for the puller to remove. Way back when, F14Crazy did a S/C swap on his existing engine and I remember him making the comment that he needed to remove a ridge as he called it. At this point, I do not know of any way to externally identify a balancer but if it is a slip fit, it must be for an LN3? If I was a tech that could run simulations for the various variables that would indicate a point where a vibration manifests itself into visible movement (from the original post), but I don't have those answers.
    1 point
  7. The Black Baby Doll got new shoes today. Now I can drive it without fear of having a blowout with the dry rotted tires. Still have several things I need to do but it's coming along. My old truck sitting outside doesn't like the Mercedes taking it's parking spot. Something is going need to go before winter gets here. Wife has already said it' not going to be her Equinox. 🙂
    1 point
  8. The question that comes to mind is, how many people own the Tech 1 scanner that would use the manual? The Tech 1 is a good scanner but the Reatta's onboard diagnostic system can do a lot once you learn how to use it. I'm pretty sure it can turn the injectors on and off as you describe to test to see if a cylinder if firing. And it can give most of the sensor data that is routinely needed. I'm not opposed to adding the manual if it is something that would be used on a regular basis.
    1 point
  9. In the "How to" above there are directions on how to get to the shifter console on a '90/91. I have taken apart the shift indicator on the '88/89 but never a '90/91 so can't offer anything.
    1 point
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