The 3D plastic printed adapter arrived today. it sides snugly over the Monroe 71801 Riviera struts that I have (which use the same body as the 71966, but with the addition of an air spring bladder). At the time, I made an assumption on the gland nut diameter being 48mm, however DPS.01 has since determined it is M51-1.5 diameter and thread pitch.
I am going to have the top mount sleeve adapter printed in plastic for proof of concept of that so the stack up for the OEM bushings and retainers can be determined.
Threaded end view (top) and slip end view (bottom). The resolution of the printing makes everything look threaded, but it is not. The threads are 1.5" deep which should allow for everything to come back to OEM suspension stroke, as the 73305 insert cartridge has 0.375" more stroke than the 71966.