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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/25/2023 in all areas

  1. I suspect that the pulsator connection leaks causing the fuel pressure to immediately disappear from the priming shot. A squirt of fuel into the intake may allow the engine to start . A fuel pressure test will tell the tail immediately. I had this happen on the car my son now has. The fuel pump had been replaced at some point and the short substitute hose was installed but it was not clamped allowing it to leak the pressure away after it accumulated some miles. If the new pump is the turbine type it may be quieter so not as obvious.
    3 points
  2. Go to AutoZone or Advance, borrow a fuel pressure tester and check the pressure. Take the guesswork out of it so we can help you get your car going.
    1 point
  3. I think you're on to something with the bubblegum. However, taking it a step more serious, use the same stick, but replace the bubblegum with the old stand by, duct tape.
    1 point
  4. Now I remember two different inline fuses under the drivers dash on the 89 we worked on, but I don't know specifically what they were for. We swapped the entire dash with my parts car and lots of things were then right in the open. I have not done anything like that on my 90, so I do not know either
    1 point
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