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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/02/2023 in all areas

  1. That’s not unusual. This is a pic of my 140a from a junkyard engine. The air is pulled in the back of the alternator over the rectifier and brushes and exits through the fan. It probably increases efficiency of the fan by reducing turbulence. As long as the belt lines up, it is all good
    1 point
  2. I've always gone with the belief that if you occasionally start a car while in winter storage, water vapor never completely dissipates from engine/exhaust system.... a bad thing. I fill the tank, add either Stabil or Seafoam making sure the additive makes it through the injectors, leave the battery in but hook up a battery tender, and never start the car until it's time to bring it out of storage for Spring, Summer, and Fall use. I too store my Reatta in an unheated garage (actually a vinyl igloo) with a dust cover over it. I do the same with my '00 Eldorado and all previously owned hobby cars. I like to leave the car batteries in so that the car does not have to "re-learn" stuff when it's time to take it out of storage.
    1 point
  3. If just the ABS light is on there should be a ABS code, see the factory manual section 5E about jumpering the ALDL connector and what the blink codes mean. Pushing back at you is often a stuck main valve.
    1 point
  4. If the yellow ABS light is on all the time the Anit-lock system should be disabled. At that point it doesn't seem like the wheels sensors would come into play and cause a kickback in the pedal, but I could be wrong. Dave knows a lot more about the ABS system than I do from experience. So far the ABS on mine has been mostly trouble free and I've not had to do much troubleshooting on it.
    1 point
  5. That is due to a bad sensor lead. Most likely a front one. I have an intermittent one myself on the Red.
    1 point
  6. Did you read through the help section at the top of the forum? You can get ABS codes through the light flash method from days of old. Also, I found my pedal feel was much firmer after replacing front flexible brake lines, which were in fact cracking. The rears generally are less susceptible since the movement is much less, no rotation to twist them and lower ambient temperature.
    1 point
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