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  1. I appreciate your efforts. I hope you hear back from him and it all works out. Please keep us posted.
    1 point
  2. Good Afternoon Everyone I have an 1988 Allante with a frozen strut and I have been running into the same problem as all of the Reatta guys, nothing is available. I just reached out to X2 Industries and there seems to be a pretty good chance that they can make a replacement strut At this point we are just in the discussion phase but once he looked at the strut he said this looks pretty easy. Take an existing strut of the correct length and weld a collar on the bottom along with a sway bar support and we are good. Of course he has to talk to engineering to make sure that they have an appropriately sized strut and that what seems simple is possible. The other holdup is that currently they have a backlog of 500 - 800 units and at this time he is unable to give a date they will be caught up. I asked if he thought if something could be completed within 120 days... he didn't say yes but he also didn't say no. I have no idea the cost at this time but one thing that may make things move faster would be if we could set up a Group Buy He said he would talk to engineering and hopefully get back to me in a week or so. Once I get some solid information I will let everyone know and also post this on the Allante Forum I am sure that there are a bunch of people over there who are in the same predicament Bob Schultz
    1 point
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