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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/25/2022 in all areas

  1. It would appear that of the 82 views of this thread, we do not have an original owner of a Reatta. There were several 2nd and 3rd owners but no original owner. This is not surprising as the Reatta came out 34 years ago and was marketed at folks who had a nice disposable income which usually starts to materialize in the 45 to 60 age bracket. Nevertheless, owning a Reatta at any age is a blast !!!
    5 points
  2. Stopped in at a little car show in New Mexico today
    3 points
  3. Greetings! I am new to the Reatta and started working on the cradle bolts. I started with the worse one that had the bushing all rusted out (I am in Minnesota and rust is our enemy!). I read all the directions on getting it out (PB every day for a week, heat, slow turning back and forth) but it was so rust-welded that it twisted off. I need help as to how to get it out of there. I have seen the pictures of others that have had their engines drop and I don't want that happening to me, so I plan on doing all 6 but this could be problematic if this happens to the other 5 (and it most likely will). Any and all assistance would be greatly welcomed!
    1 point
  4. Thanks Ronnie. But as you know Friday another issue happened with the Black [always something when it comes out of storage after 6 months]. My wife an I had the car all packed and ready to go for a 230 mile round trip to Wisconsin's north woods when I turned the key and got... nothing. Tried the key a coiple of times, but no luck. Unpack the Reatta and everything in the Pacifica and off we go. After a brief conversation with you on the way north I was all set to go to Gibson's on Monday and pull a Reatta steering column. So today we get home and I thought "Why not try the Reatta and see if it starts... and it did. Turned it off and started again about 5-6 times and fired every time. After calling you [and Kendall] we all agreed I have a ground issue because not only did the car not start but I lost all the preset settings [Radio, clock/time/date, temperature]. The consensus was clean the battery connections [positive and negative] the ground on the radiator wall, and the ground under the ignition module. So everything got wire brushed/sanded and then a coating of dielectric grease. Hope I am all set as I am heading into my busy work schedule but I do have the Red waiting in the wings should it be something else.
    1 point
  5. I went ahead and ordered a fuel pump. I'll keep checking various wires in the meantime. I basically just have a test lite. I have no idea how to read a multimeter but I guess it's time I learn. Anyway, my light shined bright and that's usually 12 v. I guess. Much more and it blows up, 😆. Gonna be cooler next week so I'll drop that tank and see what happens! Thanks again!
    1 point
  6. I just got two repaired and they were $75.00 each plus you pay shipping both ways.
    1 point
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