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  1. The Reatta has a diagnostic program in the CRT. If you look at the blue bar on the top of the page you will see "Diagnostics". This section of the site will explain how to go into the great diagnostics and get the codes. Then a different section of the page will tell you what each code means. I am betting you are getting a Eo41 is the cam sensor. This is not a real concern at this time as the car defaults to factory setting. Usually there are two things that usually fail, the ignition module/coils or the crankshaft sensor. I even had a situation where my crankshaft sensor came loose in the bracket so it would start and run great and then would not start for a time and then magically start and run perfect. Unless it's fual and your mechanic should do a fuel system test with a fuel pressure gauge. There are fuel system information in the "How to" section also on the top of the page.
    4 points
  2. It's all about the top left rounded edge matching up to the rounded edge of the Reatta mirror.
    2 points
  3. Oh my goodness! A machinist wanting dimensions from sales! Seriously once you look at the mirror you'll see that measurements are hard. Just hold the mirror in place without removing the adhesive and eye ball it up. If you are still unsure let me know via pm and I'll get it for you.
    2 points
  4. http://performanceresearch.us/padgett/cars/coils.htm
    2 points
  5. Didn't sell so is now listed for $375.00 or best offer.
    1 point
  6. When I did this I rested the two first fingers of my left hand along the top edge of the original mirror. The left small finger went on the left outside edge of the original mirror. I then with my right hand I slid the new mirror up to those same three fingers. This gave me an idea of where to put the mirror once I removed the backing tape. Don't worry about the original mirror being in any certain place while testing the placement of your new mirror. When you go to stick it down I then put my fingers behind the mirror to help hold the original mirror in place while pressing the new mirror in place. Then once the new mirror has "set" for a minute or two adjust the original mirror [using the controls located on the console] to your desired position and test it out. Because I have a one lane driveway I went to a parking lot and did my tests there with a parked car already in the lot.
    1 point
  7. Thanks Ronnie. Appreciate your additional help about fuel concerns and most ignition problems not having a code. Very helpful. Also thanks to Padgett for the detailed page on ignition modules, etc. I feel like I'm on the right track and on the way to solving the issues with this 1988 Reatta. The responses from all the ROJ members has been tremendous and timely!
    1 point
  8. I took the red caddy out today to go grocery shopping. I used the blind side mirrors, and they work great. I will be taking the Reatta to a cruise-in shortly today and will check out their function.
    1 point
  9. Reminds me of my father telling me about some of the mile markers in his life. As a child he grew up riding horses in the rural mountains of Monroe Co. TN with no electricity, no phones and no running water. He said seeing a car in those mountains was a rare occurrence and everyone gathered round when they heard one coming to watch it go by. 🙂
    1 point
  10. I thought I'd show a pic of each of the blind side mirrors that I placed on my cars, but don't know how the pics loaded sideways: Top left = Reatta, top right = Caddy ATS, bottom left = Eldorado Ronnie, maybe you can turn them right side up.
    1 point
  11. When my family moved from CA to MA, my parents bought a 3 bedroom/1 bath model home in a newly constructed residential housing development. We started with a 4-party telephone line, went to a 2-party 5 years later. When I left home in 1969, I think we had gone down to a 1-party publicly listed line. What I've always found amazing is that my paternal grandfather, born in 1884, went from using horses for transportation to seeing a man land on the moon during his lifetime. I also remember my siblings and I had to walk to school and back uphill both ways in the snow and rain!😉
    1 point
  12. Welcome to the ROJ forum! Dave has given you some great information that should help your mechanic troubleshoot the problem. Keep in mind that fuel pressure problems and most ignition problems won't set a code. If you or your mechanic have questions feel free to ask and we will help if we can.
    1 point
  13. Well said Dave. These same people who pop in to ask a question and then disappear are going to be disappointed when they pop in to ask another question and this website has disappeared due to lack of participation. I don't want that to happen, but there isn't much incentive to keep the doors open when everyone seems to want to play the quiet game. Donations are almost nonexistent and I have to pay money out my pocket to keep this website going. I keep it open because I enjoy the conversations and the opportunity to help other Reatta owners, but it's hard to justify doing that when only a handful of people participate.
    1 point
  14. I can deal with answering the same questions over and over, but what is tiring is when people come on just to get their issue addressed and then disappear until they have a new problem and when they get that answer they disappear again. Whatever happened to building relationships and having conversations? I come on all the time telling about what I am doing to my Reatta or what new blind spot mirror I bought and how well it works. Not because I'm bragging but to invite participation. Other then one or two guys [Ronnie, Ship, 2seater] no one else seems to want to add to the conversation, but yet these same guys are expected to give an answer for some newbie that as I said before asks and then disappears like a fart in the wind. When I see someone new come on with their question the best I'll give them is to look in the "How to" on the top of the page, and not even give them the link to make them look and see what is there. Then if they have questions I'll offer advice. If all they want is help it's where I pointed them, if they want to hang around and be a part of what Ronnie has put together so much the better.
    1 point
  15. This is off the top of my head. There are other costs I'm forgetting but It won't come to me right now. Hosting fee= $166.00 Domain name fee= $19.00 Forum software subscription= $80.00 ($40 per 6 months x 2) It's not a huge amount of money, but it is quite a bit to put out for something that is hardly used. I never expected this website to make any money, and it never has. Donations use to help offset the costs but they are few and far between now that we have such a small number of visitors.
    0 points
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