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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/17/2022 in all areas

  1. Now it is making a little more sense. The E042c is something wrong with the "C3" ignition circuit. The check engine light should be on and it likely goes into the limp home mode. The code chart is at the top of the forum page
    1 point
  2. Classic symptoms of a bad ignition system. Could be the spark plug wires and/or spark plugs, ICM, or crank position sensor. Tach all over the place makes me think the crank sensor is going bad. Cruise control code can be expected with the VSS unplugged. I believe you have proved that a bad VSS isn't causing the engine problem. and I don't think the wiring going to it would. Reconnect the VSS and clear the codes in the diagnostics and see what comes back after driving again. Report them here.
    1 point
  3. Flame red interiors were introduced only in 1991 except for a combo in the Select 60's. So, from what I've heard there were never many '91's with that color interior (less than a couple of dozen?). You'd have more sucess with following Daves89's recommendation.
    1 point
  4. I'm two days in to my use of the "Utopicar" Model #BSM-017 Blind Spot Mirror found on Amazon. They are made of glass and somewhat rectangular, but frameless with rounded edges that actually do a nice job of matching the curvature of the Reatta mirror. They are also on you tube so you can get a look of them installed on cars. I really like them, they look like they belong and I can see so much better. Definitely a keeper...
    1 point
  5. The second mirror is here and installed. The first mirror is still "On it's way" which means it's lost. I also ordered a battery powered taillight for my wife's bike with the second mirror order and they aren't here. Should be interesting dealing with Amazon this week.
    1 point
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