Well, my problems started about 10 days ago driving home from work at midnight. Passed by a recently ran over skunk on the shoulder of the road. The stench was great. Parked the Reatta in the garage when I got home. Next day, opened the Reatta door to drive to work, and there was still the skunk odor, not strong but it was there. Left the car with the driver's window open to air it out in the garage for the night. Next day the odor was still there.
Ended up going to the FLAPS and bought a can of Meguires car deodorizer that you set off like a bug bomb (pull the trigger to start the release, put in car with windows up, blower on, and doors closed) leave for 15 minutes. Next step is to shut off the blower, open windows, and let it air out. The deodorizer worked great. But that's when the next problem popped up.
When I pushed the button to lower the passenger window (a window I rarely use) it lowered about 3 inches then dreaded grinding noise appeared. Window would not go up or down without help. So I knew a new power window motor was going to my next project. The motor was an original, with 93k miles on the car.
I used the instructions on the ROJ help forum. I found a good bit of old grease in the tracks, which took a while to clean out and replace with new lube. I also found 2 rollers were very stiff and one was locked up.
I found an old post by Jim Finn (on the AACA forum) on how to pull off the rollers off and drilling them with a 3/8" drill to get the rollers to spin freely. I found the rollers are on very tight and I was afraid of breaking them while trying to pry it off with pry bars and screw drivers. Then I found my windshield wiper arm puller tool. With the claws adjusted to grab under the center hub of the roller It grabbed tight enough without slipping off. I also needed a small spacer between the metal post inside the roller and the center bolt of the puller. I was able to pop off all 3 rollers without damage. Got the rollers drilled out and snapped back on, and they roll much better. Greased the rollers.
Reassembled the track back into the door and reassembled per instructions on ROJ. Now I have working passenger window and a clean smelling car again. Now I am debating whether to do the driver's door motor while everything is fresh in my mind, it is a little slower going down, but I use it all the time.
I am attaching a pic of the type puller I used.