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  1. Is cheap enough to just keep one around. As can see in the last picture I just eyeball it into the center. Have seen the center or two magnets broken before, not uncommon.
    2 points
  2. I waited for my Harmonic Balancer to start making noise before I replaced it. The Crank Position sensor might las 35 years like Ronnie's did or 10 years. No way of knowing and in my opinion doesn't make sense to replace. The new one might not be the same quality and will fail or cause weird problems.
    2 points
  3. I'd still try it. I bet it fits.
    1 point
  4. I think mine was probably the original CPS. I do believe the plastic that incases the magnet in that center piece was old and brittle and it just finally disintegrated and the magnet fell out. As you can see in one of my pervious photos, the magnet itself wasn't even broke. It just fell out and was stuck to the side of the metal shutter ring. I couldn't find any signs that would lead me to believe the broken plastic was caused by something hitting the sensor. I was lucky that the magnet didn't cause any damage. I changed the harmonic balancer shortly after I got the car in 2007 because I had heard so much about it going bad. I didn't change the CPS at that time. If I had it to do over I would have changed the CPS at the same time as preventive maintenance.
    1 point
  5. This was my first time replacing the CPS on a Reatta. It's not really too hard to do. Getting tips and guidance from the guys here on the forum so you know what to expect makes it a lot easier.
    1 point
  6. The new CPS arrived yesterday from Amazon. I installed it this morning. The engine fired right up and ran like it should. I was a little surprised at what happened. The plastic center section of the CPS had partially broken away allowing the magnet inside to fall out. (photos below) That explains why I lost both, 3X and 18X CPS signals at the same time. The magnet had stuck to the shutter ring but didn't damage it. I was lucky. I used my battery powered impact wrench to remove the crankshaft bolt. It had to hammer a while to break it loose. I put the bolt back in with blue Loctite and let the impact wrench hammer to get it tight. No, it's not up to spec but I don't think it will come loose.
    1 point
  7. and even with amplifiers and headset, I use a phone as little as possible. At least I get free hearing aids.
    1 point
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