It looks like the position and travel of the internal piston of the strut would be needed. If the material of the strut body is thick enough a groove could be ground in the side, if not, forming a little trough for the bolt wouldn't be terribly difficult as long as the piston doesn't travel over the area. What would seem to be critical to me is the outside diameter for clamping in the socket of the rear knuckle. The height of where it clamps into the knuckle appears to have some flexibility in it also. This strut works as a guide and movement dampener, and doesn't actually have weight bearing forces on it. The alignment tab is really only for locating the position of the ear the anti sway bar bolts to, the strut itself has no rotational requirement, so the sway bar mount could have the alignment tab. The attachment for the sway bar fastening could be a clamp on or modified to attach to the knuckle itself.