In my case, I was replacing the battery and since the positive (red) terminal to the battery was missing and someone had cobbled up a substitute so I had two blacks instead, forgot which was positive and which was negative and naturally, guessed wrong and caused a short. I quickly realized my mistake and switched them having noticed a few wisps of smoke from the old alternator. Then I discovered I had no dash display at all and feared I had done serious damage. I got a replacement cable for the positive and replaced the assembly hoping it would fix it and of course, it didn't. Then I began my search for all the fuses, fusible links and relays checking them as I went, discovered there was another fuse block underneath the one on the cabin floor, passenger side and found a blown fuse expressly for the dash displays that was clearly blown. Imagine my relief when as soon as I put in a new fuse, I began to hear a steady series of clicks and presto, everything worked again. It was the inner block, the lowest row.
I still had to replace the alternator but I really hope the solution to your problem is so simple.