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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/21/2022 in all areas

  1. I have an extra Sapphire Blue arm rest that I had gotten from a car I helped a guy part out. Sat around for years until this week when I decided to just repaint it to match my tan interior and put in in the Black as that arm rest is in original tan and is perfect. So I scuff sanded it, sprayed it with brake clean to get the dirt and grime out and repainted it. Turned out really nice and I just got done installing it in the Black leaving me a perfect back up for the Red when that day may come.
    1 point
  2. Found this on Jalopnik site, not mine. Getting lots of comments. https://jalopnik.com/at-3-500-are-these-two-buick-reattas-better-than-one-1848337671?fbclid=IwAR2CjeLOb2mA_hRI5rPVP-GBRmlVH2RZy7BPuUGtLX9DWTqVBU-yNiHl-_w
    1 point
  3. If you decide to go in the door don't worry about the two lower rollers. The top roller is the one Ronnie is referring to that binds up. The track is easy to get at and remove [3 screws]. Then pop off the roller and drill it out with a 3/8" drill. It will still snap on and roll much better. I did put grease inside the roller hole that I just drilled out. Then while you are in there take a look at the door actuator rubber on the shaft that trips the lock. You will see that the rubber will have a slice in it. Take a real small diameter piece of hose and slid it inside the rubber boot hole and slid it over the actuator shaft. I did not remove the actuator to do this I just forced it off installed the hose and forced it back on. The "action" on the door lock is much more positive.
    1 point
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