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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/03/2021 in all areas

  1. Hope you get a good report. I've had several stress tests over the years. Just walking on a treadmill, treadmill with contrast dye, and the last test was just an injection that speeds up the heart without a treadmill because of a bad knee. None of them revealed my heart problem but an echo-cardiogram did.
    2 points
  2. On my 88 I have a Delco system on the engine and a spare Magnavox in the trunk. Suspect are a few Delcos around but need to hire some grad students for a dig, rally do not know how many of what I have. Going to use a '90 radio to test radio modules from 88-89, they just plug in. ps being subhumed by Windows 11, what can be upgraded, what cannot, and what can be lied about. Amazing thing is the skyrocketting of CPUs that are on The List. An AMD 3200G was $99 a year ago and are close on $300 now. Not sure why the mass hysteria but M$ is obsoleting everything before 2018 and many later ones cannot be updated (e.g. anything with a smaller drive than 64GB). Thought only Apple did that.
    1 point
  3. Primary care Doc scheduled a stress test for me last week for afternoon today. Yesterday, the town let me know that they were going to reline the sewer pipes on my street starting this morning at 7am. I was told that I could not use shower/tub, dishwasher, washing machine, sink drains, OR flush any toilets for the whole day! In fact, they recommended that I stuff towels around the first floor toilet in case I got any grey/black water back flash through my street connection to the toilet. So, I got up at 6am, took a shower, used the toilet, did a load of wash, and don't you know it they don't show up until 9am. Needless to say I had moucho stress before I even went to my stress test! Luckily, I had no back flash of any kind, and my stress test went pretty good from what I was told, preliminarily. I figure not bad for being 72 (and a half)....fingers crossed. Never thought I'd have any stress since retirement.
    1 point
  4. Last time I drove the Red I noticed that the oil pressure was "dancing" a bit so I went to Rock Auto and Amazon to price out sending units. Standard was about $50.00 each at both places so I went to Ebay and bought 2 for the combined price of $40.00 delivered. I already had one but now I have an extra one for each of my cars. On another note and a bit of a rant. I came here and talked about buying another Delco ignition conversion plate and how important it is to have extra tested ignition modules so one can tell if that is the problem [and it is the most common problem] and yet no one contacted me about buying it. Guys why do you not invest in your car and have a few common parts around to keep your cars running? What I see when the problem starts is new parts are bought to throw at it, get frustrated and sell the car. When an extra set of plug wires, plugs, mass air flow sensor, oxygen sensor, Delco coil pack and ignition module takes care of about 90% of the cars issues. I run thousands of miles a year and I'll bet in the 15 years of combined ownership of all my cars about 300,000 miles on top of the 100,000 miles the cars already had on them not had the down time I have read about here. End of rant...
    1 point
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