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  1. Fuel problem solved Jim Finn saved me he had the parts I needed now I can put the reatta back together.
    2 points
  2. So the plot thickens. It rained last night and no watter got inside the car. I popped the Tonneau cover to see if I could find where the water might be coming in from. No indication that water was leaking into the trunk. However, I noticed something I had not before. There is a channel that runs between the tonneau cover opening and the trunk opening. And this chanel is not sealed and open to water flowing in from the rain. There are two small holes in this chanel on either end for draining this water. Hoses connected to these holes run to the wheelwell and drain the water down under the body of the car in front of the rear tires. My suspicion is that one of those holes got plugged by a leaf or something allowing the water to overflow the channel and leak into the trunk. My driveway is such that the car faces downhill so I am suspecting the water ran down into the cockpit under the passenger side seat. I am going to carefully put this theory to the test with the garden hose and see if I can confirm that is what is happening.
    2 points
  3. if you had a dirt road to do said panic stops on, that would be easiest to lock up the wheels and would pull less.
    2 points
  4. I am very confused. So the line itself was pushed several inches inside the master cylinder? How is that even possible? Isn't there a lip for the flare on the line to sit in that would prevent the line from being pushe into the master cylider? If you had a picture I would be very interested to see it.
    2 points
  5. I agree. The ABS would be more likely to engage and actuate the valves on a gravel road or a slightly wet paved road.
    1 point
  6. Just be carful, i heard the ones for the red reattas don't work in the black ones. I jest of course. Good luck with it!
    1 point
  7. I would replace some of the bulbs to make the flasher click. Then you can reach up there and feel around until you feel the clicking with your hand, then pull it down. If the directional flasher didn't work then use the emergency flasher and do the same as stated above. I would have the replacement flashers in hand before finishing the project [the reinstallation of the LED bulbs with the new flashers].
    1 point
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