Busy day on the 'vert today. Topped off the fuel, changed oil, polished the chrome wheels, put tire shine on the tires, and waxed the car. Put a cover on it and now it's ready for winter.
Hopefully the next time I fire it up is for it's trip to Texas...
I have owned my '89 triple blue for ten years and she has been my garage queen since 2014 due to my coming down with cancer and there she sat with a car cover over her during the winters but coming off for the spring thru the fall. What I found out the hard way is that I did not take her out on the road and stretch her rubber. So from 2014 to 2021 she just sat in the garage, however, I did use STA-BIL in the tank and the fuel pump was corrupted with old fuel and the pump (which had less than 150 miles in operation) lost the ability to pump fuel and it cost me to replace it a couple of months ago. I did go to a couple of car shows this summer even though she is a survivor and not a show stopper it is enjoyable to hear peoples response of this 2 seater.
My daughter took this photo while on vacation in Baltimore this past weekend. I think it is cool. When I first looked it I really thought there was a hole in the brick wall of the building but there isn't.
As most of you know I drive my Reattas quite a bit. Today the Black turned 200,000 miles. I always think it pretty neat when all the digits on the odometer roll over.
If you remove the taillight assembly don't forget to remove the license plate first. If you leave it on you are almost certain to break the red reflectors on the bottom of the taillight. Also, after removing the thumbscrew nuts inside the trunk that hold it on pull straight back to prevent breaking the studs as you remove it. Go back in with the assembly the same way and don't over-tighten the nuts. Everytihng is brittle and will break easy. Below are some photos that you might find helpful.
I think Dave89 has a better way to do it than I used. My tail light was dirty inside because of a small leak and didn't look too good. Instead of taking it apart and taking a chance of breaking it, I decide to try VHT Nite Shades to tint it to hide the imperfections. I think it turned out really well although I did get it a little darker than I intended. Still I'm very happy with the results. Below is a before and after photos of how it looks.