I pass by this ancient mailbox every day. The old rusty box is nailed to an oak that has to be 150 years old. After 3 years of passing it by I decided to open the box to see if anything was inside. After all, there isn’t even a house nearby to which it could possibly serve anyway. Any home it serviced was long ago torn down I’m sure. I noticed an ancient letter inside as you can see in picture #2. I looked at the post mark date and it said July 7, 1903. Due to age and moisture the addressee on the envelope was not readable, so I opened up the envelope hoping to find some local history and a good story I could share with you. Here is what the letter inside said. “We have been trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty.”
There wasn't any pressure in the rail, just whatever residual fuel that was in there, but she starts up everytime and accelerates perfectly! Thanks again for everyone's help!
It would be nice if you would post the written instructions for replacing the latch. It would be helpful to others who need details about what you did.
Been a little busy on the Reatta ourselves. Got the glove box latch fixed on old Rita (if youd like to watch)
Also, got a new hood hinge, trunk cover, etc...a lot of stuff, really!
Also got a question:
Would a headlight restore kit take care of the oxidation of the tail light or is that something I shouldn't mess with?
Finally got around to switching over to the Delco style ignition. I started off with the whole assembly from the s/c engine I bought a few years ago, and after replacing parts, in the wrong order, I ended up with all new parts. The least expensive were the coils, not what was intended, but at least it works👍