The time has finally arrived to scrap the donor car. It has served a good purpose donating many interior pieces including the drivers seat bottom ,the entire dash assembly and lots of small trim and other things. The red car #2 son has was the prime recipient, including both window motors, although the hood, right fender and right headlight assembly went to the black car after the deer hit last fall. Under the hood the radiator went to the red car and the a/c suction line between the accumulator and the compressor went to the black car. Today we pulled the alternator, relays, misc vacuum connections and the entire Teves brake assembly. The last thing will be to see if the ABS sensor leads can be removed. Not much decent stuff remains and I just don't want to push it back inside for the winter. It is sort of bittersweet, being purchased for a different purpose, then languishing for several years until finding what it was perfect for. It has worked out well in the end.