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  1. Gary's home. Still on oxygen and lots of meds. He says he is still really sick but getting better. He has lost 22 pounds since getting this virus. No taste. No smell. Joint aches and muscle aches like he has been beat up every day. He said he thought he was tough enough to easily beat this but now admits he was wrong.
    3 points
  2. Now if the weather and mosquitoes would only leave me alone!
    2 points
  3. The one in my '89 Reatta was replaced by a previous owner so it's fine. However I did once have a rust free 2000 Toyota Corolla from the south that had that problem. It seems heat from summer sun eventually causes the adhesive to let go. I took a clear diffusion panel, cut it into strips long enough to fit the ends into the side trim to hold most of it up but also the screw in pins you used, not pretty but then, how often do you look up when in the car? I know this isn't much help, I'm afraid you'll have to find a replacement from a donor car, maybe Jim Finn has one.
    1 point
  4. The red car came back to the cottage last night. There is a concern about long cranking time after sitting for a day or two. I thought it might be similar to mine which usually fires instantly but occasionally requires 5-10seconds? In this case, it does indeed require a very long crank after sitting overnight, maybe up to a minute in a couple of attempts, once started, it ran perfectly. Son also stated it would start perfectly the rest of the day after the initial problem. Fuel pressure was checked before the first starting attempt and it was perfect at 43psi indicated. I let it warm up and started to go through the diagnostics, which had both high and low TPS voltage codes and ED01 was indeed about .58. The warm idle was high but would occasionally idle down and I found the TPS indication would wander around a couple tenths with no input? Tried adjusting the TPS unsuccessfully. I would get the voltage down close to the target and the next little nudge would send the voltage all the way to the top, about 4.98v indicated. The donor car gave up its TPS. Not preferred, but in the middle of the woods anything may do. After the standard cussing about the location of the TPS, the donated one was installed and adjusted with engine off. On startup, it idled very high, 1500 rpm or so, similar to the issues that Jon was having. I went into the menu and forced the IAC to close to get the idle down, just to prove the IAC was capable of slow idle, which is was. The engine started quickly and checking the indicated TPS I found it a couple tenths low so attempted tiny adjustments with the engine running and found the tiniest adjustment to the TPS would cause the engine to idle up with no other input. It would idle back down on its own but I was surprised just how sensitive it is to small changes, even within the normal range? I am just speculating the out of whack TPS may have something to do with the hard cold start but only leaving it sit overnight will tell the tale on that. Maybe I will now get the chance to check out the ABS codes.
    1 point
  5. Glad to hear that your friend's progress has been, apparently, positive. The continued medical attention appears to be necessary to a path of recovery. The side effects of covid may last awhile, but hears hoping that the duration is shorter rather than longer. I hope for continued positive progress.
    1 point
  6. Worked for me. Mine is a claret and red interior which looks like yours, although mine has a few more flaws, Lookin' good😎
    1 point
  7. I consider mine to be "roof vents" & handy in summer.
    1 point
  8. I can relate to this problem as the wheeler dealer I bought my’88 from used staples and pins to hold up the ballooning fabric. It’s my understanding that once the fabric separates from the foam backer there is no repairing it. Best to budget for replacing with new fabric,which is my plan if it gets worse.
    1 point
  9. I'm attaching photos of my '89 Reatta that were taken by my insurance agent when submitting to American Collectors for a quote. The photos are in pdf format, and I don't know how, or if, they can be viewed within this post. I assume, that anyone that would like to view the photos must download the link below and view them in their own folder. Sorry if this doesn't work. Reatta Photos.pdf
    1 point
  10. Probably never will again. 1500w selection exceeds most ceiling fan wiring. I only use 800w setting.
    1 point
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