I couldn't imagine not having a basement. All the infrastructure needed to operate the house, water, hvac, electricity and such takes up living space otherwise. Even a 100 year old house like mine can have the basement as viable annex for living or special use space. Not only storage but a workspace, special do not disturb area and so much more. Even my cottage has a full basement, accessed from outside at this point, but things can change. It takes up less real estate to stack rather than spread🙄
The mask and vaccine debate just goes to show that we will argue about anything, no matter how visible the evidence. One of the news talking heads called it 'cultivated ignorance', which I think sums it up nicely. I have friends and relatives on both sides of the issue so it gets added to the taboo subjects of politics and religion at any friendly get together. As I sit here at the cottage, watching the cloud of hummingbirds fight over the three feeders right outside the window, I think maybe we aren't so different. I am also so lucky to have acres on a river away from the crowds and not be constantly confronted with weighty issues.