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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/12/2021 in all areas

  1. From what you have told us I wouldn't consider it a parts car. In the hands of someone who could do the work themselves it is a repairable car that could be saved by spending just a little money. I would agree that it doesn't make sense to have a mechanic spend a ton of money on it that you will never recoup by selling the car. Reattas can be a reliable car but I usually tell people that if they can't do the work themselves it might not be the right car for them.
    1 point
  2. Because the 91 L27 changed the whole oil filter mount.
    1 point
  3. No. Reatta (and GM from 1981 to 1994) use an "Assembly Line Data Link" (ALDL) which is NOT OBD-II. Moates.net has what you need. For a hand held I like the OTC 2000 with a '93 Pathfinder cart. There is other stuff if you want to reprogram ( see http://www.tunercat.com ) but for all scanner operations the indash scanner in both Reattas and Allantes is just as good and can clear codes.
    1 point
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