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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/11/2021 in all areas

  1. I hope this post doesn't get lost in the overall noise of the rest of this thread. I know this has continued for multiple pages and it is not meant to be the end all and be all. I simply have had the time over a couple of decades to try different ideas, not all successfully, but what I have lost, is the ability to go back to a baseline. I do have have more than one engine, but all have evolved in some direction, and I have lost track of where it all started. I truly need some simple things from pretty much stock vehicles. As I mentioned within this thread, sometimes the obvious things get lost, like the realization that the TPS position might be very important in normal driving. Easy to focus on wide open throttle performance, but that isn't where the car lives the majority of its life and where the oem's spend tons of time getting the little things right. I value the input from anyone, or everyone, about what sort of envelope your car operates in, particularly the TPS overall range in daily use, MAF readings in similar use, maybe where your Fuel Integrator or Block Learn spend their time. It is to get an overall sense of what the original system is expecting, not the somewhat distorted situation I have created. The overall idea is to encourage experimentation, not define a single path. I truly value input.
    1 point
  2. It doesn’t matter the speed really, just the sort of range your normal driving covers. I was surprised I used a relatively small range, like .6v to about 1.5v. Cruising on the flat, maybe .6, higher speeds .8, mild inclines a little over 1.0 to maintain speed and up around 1.5v during pretty decent acceleration. Your terrain looked more interesting than mine?
    1 point
  3. 1 point
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