I looked for a bit more information on the DFCO and I found the FSM doesn't really give much detail, other than it is decided by the ECM.? I knew I had seen references to it in the programming of the PROM but most chip burners mention leaving many of those little detail items alone as it has little to do with what we are interested in when adjusting for performance or to accommodate changes. The screen shot below is taken from the stock chip programming in my TunerProRT program. As can be seen, there are eight different items that may be adjusted, so it isn't just a simple coast down vs time or throttle setting that occurs but has settings for rpm, speed of deceleration, tps percentage, temperature etc.. as can be seen. I hope this helps a bit. Even though my car is presently operating with a chip I burned, I haven't a clue what I would have done to modify or improve this item? By the way, LV8 is load value which is a manufactured number calculated from several sensor inputs which I am not 100% sure of. It is the X axis of the spark timing table in the chip, so it is important but it isn't a sensor value. Those load values below are pretty low as the maximum is 255.