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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/07/2021 in all areas

  1. Yah, Daves89 had to clue me in about it. Funny thing is the donor car did it when I first got it years ago, then it was put out to pasture, parts were used for the red car from Dave, and after a week of regular use, it started doing the show. I do believe the combination of switches must be correct for the self test. It displays Reatta on the CRT too
    1 point
  2. Ron, I took a look at both of those websites and they look great. A few more advertisements than I like but both sites are still getting lots of posts and the ads probably pay the bills for the website. I've not been able to figure out how to do that with this website.
    1 point
  3. The "donor" car you bought all those years ago is really starting to pay off. Maybe in a year or two you might be interested in the '88 Black/Tan of mine as I am heading south earlier every year and have less use of a "winter" Reatta. No I am not getting out of the Reatta business and am pretty sure I will keep the Red forever.
    1 point
  4. The donor car gave up its hood, right fender, headlight assembly and the corner light assembly on the same side. These will find a new home on the black car for replacement of the damage from the deer last fall. No. 1 son says he misses driving the car and nice weather is coming.
    1 point
  5. For sure, the ROJ Forum is extremely helpful and the members provide much assistance, and as stated above, promptly. The "How To" and "vendor" sections are another source of great information. However, another forum I am a member of is the Chevy SSR Forum (http://www.ssrfanatic.com). The members there are equally responsive, and they, too, have a "How To" section that is extremely helpful. There is a member on the SSR site named "Dicktator" who is the equivalent of "Ronnie" on the ROJ. The limited production of the Reatta, as well as the limited production of the SSR (mine is an "04), and due to the ages of both, a well run forum and people willing to help as I have seen with both forums, is indispensable. I'm also a member of the Camaro Forum (http://camaro5.com) which seems to be pretty active, too. However, since my Camaro SS is a 2010, and not as unique as either the Reatta or the SSR, I find that I do not visit that site very often.
    1 point
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