Well it turned out to be way different then I thought. I swapped in a different Magnavox ignition module/coil pack which didn't do any good. I swapped in one of two backstock Delco units and still no good. So I called up Kendall for ideas and he graciously came over. In the mean time I had once again removed the balancer so he could see what was up and help in the "do over". Turned out the crank shaft sensor was both loose and worn. So back to the parts bin for a new crank sensor and 20 minutes later the new sensor was in and the balancer back on.
I fired up the car without the belt and all was quiet and the car ran great. Shut her off installed the serpentine belt fired it up again and all was still good.
Changed the oil and filter, fired it up and off for an "errand run" to make sure I was good.
Monday is back to Bob's for some dry wall work and Tuesday/Wednesday for appointments.
Interesting comment [at least to me]. I bought the Red 13 years ago with 111,xxx miles on it. The car now has 300,xxx miles on it which is still less then an average of 10,000 miles a year...
I racked up about 7,000 miles on the [new] Black to date this fall with about another 1000 to go. The Red about 12,000, the 'vert about 1,500 and the Black [that 2seaters son has] about 7,000.
You are lucky that he has a lift. When I was hanging sheet rock each one of us would make a bench to stand on just the right height so our heads would push the sheet rock against the rafters and hold it there while we nailed it. Never saw anyone use a lift back then. Never saw a screw gun back then either. None of the sheet rock hangers I worked with finished sheet rock. A different crew came in to do that. There is an art to finishing sheet rock and making it look good.
My approach would be to remove the cassette player from the dash. Place it on a work bench where you're in a better position to examine why the cassette is stuck....most likely the magnetic tape is caught in the head of the player. I don't believe that cassette players were meant to work successfully for 32 years.
Could be a bad alternator. Or a interior light left on. Blower control module is common. Could be the alarm is activated but someone unplugged the horn. Bad Battery. Try this test Reatta Owners Journal then start pulling fuses until the drain disappears.