Well Ronnie my luck is a little better. As I thought I was going to just junk the '89 Red parts car I had stored at a friend's house I kept the leaking radiator I replaced last fall to put in that car just so it would look "complete". But now that Hal wants that car I will not swap it out. And as I have both the 2015 and 2019 receipts I can get two radiators as 1-800-Radiator has a "lifetime" warranty. So I will have an extra radiator for if I should develop another leak in any of the cars. And this is legitimate as the '89 Black did get the one in 2015 and then again in 2019. I just didn't put the new 2019 radiator in the '89 Black as I was getting rid of it. I instead put it in the '88 Black and the '88 Black into the '89 Black thinking as that was to be my new winter Reatta why wouldn't I want new parts in that one?