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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/25/2020 in all areas

  1. Thought I'd show some pics of my Reatta inventory shelved in my cellar (we don't call them basements in New England). Not shown are 3 taillight assemblies, L and R vent window assemblies, and L and R turn signal/parking light assemblies. PS: had nothing else to do today...can't wait 'til April...
    2 points
  2. Used to have a number of Reatta's in 2 salvage yards near me years ago in addition to a lot of the parts rendered from 7th gen Riviera's (none around now for quite a few years). Some came from on-line sources, over time. I made a point of collecting Reatta/Riviera parts when I owned Reatta's or Riviera's in pairs...down to 1 Reatta now, no Riviera's.
    1 point
  3. Very impressive collection of parts. All the Reatta parts I have would probably fit in just one of your large boxes with the exception of a taillight and a trunk lid I have in the attic. You must have a lot of salvage yards with Reattas in them to accumulate all you have.
    1 point
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