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Brake conversion


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I like the Teves and have a few spares but understand the regular power brake from a 89 Riviera is plug and pray.

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I'm sorry to say that retiredmechanic74 hasn't been on the forum since 2019. I hope he sees this and gives you a response but it is doubtful. I would be leery of using compression fittings on brakes although the Amazon seller says they will work. I think flared fittings would be a better choice even if they are a little harder to work with.

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Agree, with flared fittings it is locked mechanically and not a slip grip.

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Reccomendations on a brand or type?


Are they all about the same brandwise?

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2 hours ago, MeanMug said:

Reccomendations on a brand or type?


Are they all about the same brandwise?

I don't understand the question? If referring to joining brake lines, the entire brake system on the Reatta is metric bubble flare, most being M10 x 1.0 fittings. This type of flare is easy to make, even working in place under the car. Couplings are easily available and is the only way I join brake lines. As for brand, the last order I bought was 4Lifetimelines on Amazon, but a FLAPS will have them also.

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