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Bad transmission?


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I have a 1990 reatta. Was driving to work two days ago and it was doing fine. Cruising at 75 most of the way. Got off the highway and Went to turn left and all of a sudden it acted like it had 7 neutrals.... from my previous experience this usually Indicates the transmission has failed catastrophically, internally.


Here's what I've done

1) checked fluid level. It was fine. Fluid condition is good too. Still red in color. 

2)no broken cv axels that I can tell. 

3) nothing foreign on the trans pan. No shavings or chunks. Just your typical film. 

4) the filter appears to be intact and no cracks or anywhere. 


Anything else I should check before I pull it and rebuild it? Has 85k miles.


Any help is much appreciated!

Edited by Danpatters583
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1 hour ago, Danpatters583 said:

it acted like it had 7 neutrals....

Please explain. Was it jerking like it was going in and out of gear? Do you hear any grinding or other strange noises when you have it it gear and give it some gas? It would be odd for the transmission to go out at such low mileage unless it was abused and it doesn't sound like that is the case. I would take it to a reputable transmission shop and let them diagnose it before replacing it. You might get lucky and it just be something simple in the valve body causing the problem since you didn't find any parts in the pan.

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It didn't jerk or buck or anything.  Very smooth. Just stopped working. 


No strange sounds. No grinding. When I have it in any forward gear it just keeps getting higher in rpm. And goes no where. Strangely, reverse kinda works. 


I did notice when it does ho into reverse,  it seems to miss fire and run rougher. 

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More good reasons to take it to a transmission guy. It could be something simple or it could be junk. You never know until you get it checked out. Does it go into park and hold the car as it should? If not, check the cable to make sure it's moving the shifter arm on the transmission to the correct position.

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I know this is likely not the case here, but long about half a century ago, I had a Chebby that cracked the valve body. No warning, just no go in any gear. I have no idea as to the cause, but it happened. I ASSume it lost line pressure due to the internal leak?

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Thank you all. I've kinda determination that it has to be a valve body or something internal. 


Yes it does hold it's self in park. 


Gonna put the pan back on and take it in. Automatic transmissions are slightly out of my scope of work lol. I've only ever torn apart a 727 torque flite out if an old dart. This one's a years more advanced for sure. 

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