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Key/ignition lock broke?


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Attempted to start the Reatta today and the ignition cylinder broke?


key will go all the way forward and back with no resistance. It also will not start when key is moved to start position. In addition, key doesn’t spring back automatically when released from the start position. 

attached is a video link showcasing the issue.  (If the video doesn’t play, check back in 5 minutes as the video upload is not finished)



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I don't believe it is broke at the ignition where you insert the key. Towards the bottom of the shaft is what looks like a key with notches in that has broken. Column has to be disassembled to get at it.

I removed my column and took it to Kendall my mechanic friend so he could rebuild it. Not hard to remove and much easier repair for him.

Edited by DAVES89
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I’ve got the column partially disassembled. 

how do I get this cover off thats circled in the photo? The part that’s broken affecting my ignition is underneath it. 


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Further examination yielded the switch rack as the broken part. Not sure what causes these to break though. 


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8 hours ago, TripleC321 said:

Further examination yielded the switch rack as the broken part. Not sure what causes these to break though. 

I started to post the photo below several posts back, but when you showed the photo of the steering column I figured you had already found a broken rack was the problem. It's not unusual for it to break. For some reason it always seems to break in the same spot. A lot of people say it's easier to replace the whole column with a good used one than it is to replace the rack. I can't say because I've never had that problem.



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Replaced switch rack and reassembled column. 

starting the car yields no power to starter now. I assume I just don’t have the rod that goes from the switch rack to the ignition switch aligned right?


what’s a good way to ensure proper alignment there?

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