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Reatta Mileage for 2020


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As I stated on the "other forum", due to no BCA meet or little or no car show or cruise-ins, I only drove 370 miles this year in the Reatta.  How'd you folks do this year?

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I racked up about 7,000 miles on the [new] Black to date this fall with about another 1000 to go. The Red about 12,000, the 'vert about 1,500 and the Black [that 2seaters son has] about 7,000. 

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I took several 150-200 mile trips in mine this fall but didn't drive much in the spring so I'm guessing I have put about 1200 miles on mine this year.

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Interesting comment [at least to me]. I bought the Red 13 years ago with 111,xxx miles on it. The car now has 300,xxx miles on it which is still less then an average of 10,000 miles a year...

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I used to pay attention to the amount of miles logged, usually in the 5k-6k miles per year, and my Reatta years are six months long. It was my daily driver for the most part May through October each year starting in '93 or '94? It was that way for five or six years and then I started experimenting with various engine modifications, so the car might be down for months until I had a spare engine to tinker with and now it is a weekend swap sort of thing. It is still my daily driver in the fair weather months, but since retiring almost five years ago, the work miles don't pile up so I believe the current mileage is about 145k miles and I bought it at 59k miles, so the average has come down quite a bit, I guess that's 86k miles in over twenty five years. This year was especially strange as no one is eager to get in a car with someone else not family, so the pleasure cruise has been all but extinct.

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20 minutes ago, 2seater said:

This year was especially strange as no one is eager to get in a car with someone else not family, so the pleasure cruise has been all but extinct.

It has been hard to get out and have fun driving around this year unless you go alone. My daughter and I drove about 70 miles each way to a cemetery where my father is buried today in my old truck just to have something to do. We kept the windows rolled down just top be safe. It was in the '60s here today and she took a blanket to cover up with if she got cold. We were comfortable but it sure was weird riding around with the windows down this close to Christmas.

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