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Reatta lost key. Need to move gear lever out of park to neutral, to move.


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Hello Reatta owners...


I misplaced the key for my friend's long term stored Reatta.....!   Need to move the car out of the way...blocking a driveway...


Any,  relatively easy way, to get car out of neutral?   And even better, to unlock the steering wheel... 


After looking for DAYS for the misplaced key....I am not likely to find...those keys.  Getting a locksmith....at his rural property EXPENSIVE... 


After some exhaustive searches on the web....didn't get far.. 


Any suggestions?


Thanks in advance.





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Thanks for the suggestion.... 


However, car is on a sloping,  loose gravel driveway.....  Attempting at dragging out of the way, with a tow strap......  Not so successful... with harbor Junk strap....I mean harbor freight tool strap....  HF hit and miss quality...  Don't get me wrong, half my tools are HF.....!


Murphy visited me...  First I loose the key....then the attempt at dragging...not too successful...and now I have to put up with my friend reminding me to never buy HF tools....








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Open the hood and remove the shifter cable (3) from the shift lever (5) on the transmission. It just snaps onto a ball on the shift lever. Then move the shift lever to take the transmission out of park. You might need some helpers to push forward on the car to make it easier to move the shift lever if the car is on a hill.  If you want to turn the wheels you will either need to find the key or tear up the steering column.


neutral-park switch.jpg

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Thank you....  Thanks for the response...and excellent suggestion....


Best  Regards



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