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AACA limiting posts that can be made in their forums


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It appears the new changes stated in the AACA forum rules (below) are aimed at restricting posts about modifying cars.  I will respect their rules and refrain from posting about Reatta modifications in the future.


The AACA is about preserving old cars and if they want to limit what can be posted in their forum that is their right. I have no complaints about the rule changes the AACA has decided to make but as a dues paying member it does make me sad to see they are limiting what can be posted in the Reatta forum.  All Reatta forums are all but dead already without limiting what can be posted. The Reatta forum there has been evolving into more of a forum for collectors for some time so maybe this is what they wanted.



Antique Automobile Club of America (AACA) Discussion Forums are wholly owned and operated by the Antique Automobile Club of America (AACA).  The intent of providing these forums is to further the aim of preserving the history of the automobile, motorcycle and truck industry.  AACA’s forums do NOT promote other forms of the automobile hobby such as street rods, hot rods or restomods.  As an organization we have respect for all forms of the hobby but these forums are to recognize and serve those that have the same beliefs as our organization. Discussion of modified vehicles will be removed including: street rods, hot rods or similar vehicles.


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I'm not sure Ronnie, but I think you are reading to much into this. The main forum is the AACA and everything else is a sub forum. If you scroll down farther you will see that there are allowances for modified areas.

 The AACA proper is preserving old cars with no modifications. Which technically is not correct as even the purists are fabricating parts and adding electric fuel pumps, etc.

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I know there was some sort of blow up in the first AACA section that deals with general subjects and it seemed to me at the time, that modified was allowed in the sub forums, but perhaps I was mistaken. It is true that I have noticed for many years the tendency of the other forum toward preservation but I didn't believe it was a rule?

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Perhaps I am reading too much into it.  Has anyone besides me been asked to agree to the new rules when they signed in?  I could be wrong but I believe they are asking all members to agree to the paragraph I quoted above that was added to the rules.  Or have you read this


I think the poll that was posted on that forum may have been part of the decision to change the rules.  It's all good and it really doesn't matter anyway. I was just bringing it up for discussion.

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I logged on to the AACA forum at 6:30pm tonight and was required to hit the "Agree" button at the end of the post that popped up before I was allowed to continue.  There's still a "Modified" sub-forum under the BCA forum, though.  Don't quite understand the point they're trying to make when there's a "Modified" sub-forum still listed.

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I think the AACA main forum is supposed to be pure and a little leeway will be given in the other sub forums.

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Yes, I skimmed through it and it is certainly related to the survey and I think there was also a board meeting just recently as well. A couple weeks back I read through a long thread in the first subject in the home screen, General I believe, and it had an disagreement going on between Peter G and some poster I don't remember, and a couple other moderators stepped in as well, all about this exact subject. My understanding at that time was the AACA portion was more restrictive than the sub forums, especially if the forum title was for modified and otherwise non pure stock.

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Dave, you were right. I was reading more into it than was intended but I wasn't the only one.  There are lots of topics over there about the rule changes and lots of people shared my concerns about what would be allowed to be posted in the future on that forum.


In the words of the webmaster and the director of the AACA, "Nothing has changed." so I guess my concerns have been laid to rest.  I don't know why they chose to make the rules more restrictive and make everyone agree to them, then say nothing has been changed.  Maybe it was to satisfy some of the purist who have control of the board of directors or maybe it is to make it easier to take control of a topic about modified cars when they go completely off the rails. Whatever the reason I'm glad to hear the people in charge of the forum say nothing has changed. 

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