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Brake Flush Questions


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1 hour ago, Padgett said:

Where are the Hydrac units available ? Not sure if I have any spares.

I had gotten mine off ebay.  Not sure if you can still get them though.


EDIT: there are some on ebay. 


Here is a guy selling some new Delco ones says he has more than 10 still in stock: https://www.ebay.com/itm/255031679734?epid=1142294990&hash=item3b61129af6:g:HREAAOSwhaFg2I5Q


Here are some Hydac ones advertised for the GN. Looks like the same part as what I bought for my reatta but not positive. Maybe someone else can confirm? https://www.ebay.com/itm/234244882427?hash=item368a153ffb:g:dOAAAOSwKIpWE~6V


EDIT #2: this is actually the part number that I bought: https://www.ebay.com/itm/233659834561?hash=item36673620c1:g:0WgAAOSwnkJfIdpP


It appears the Grand National one linked above is only charged with 300psi of nitrogen whereas this one is charged with 1000psi. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe the 1000psi one is the correct one.

Edited by Philbo
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