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Sun Visor Compatibility


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Are the sun visors the same for all model years?  I searched the parts book and could not find them.


I need the left side visor ror my 91 Hardtop. I willl either replace it or find a shop that will redo it for me.


Does anyone have any suggestions?



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In order for me to give you a particular part #, I would need to know the interior color of your '91 Reatta coupe.


But, based on the Buick E '86-'93 Parts & Illustration Catalogue it looks like all years Reatta and '86-'93 Rivieras used the same sun visor.  Go to section 10, pages 14 - 16 for particulars.

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The 'verts have either a vinyl or leather sun visor. I have looked at the visors from the Rivs and they didn't look the same to me. Even if they were the same the Rivs had some different colors then the Reatta.

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Rivieras definitely had additional colors.  I wondered about the Reatta convertible visors being different, but the catalogue didn't specify any that I could find. 

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