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Car won’t start


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So some background, I installed new fuel lines from the engine to the fuel filter. Everything looked really good till I ran it for a bit. When I put my foot on the gas it went dead. Saw no drip from the filter, no kinks in the line either. So I check the air flow and even changed the MAF sensor. Cleaned it too. So I don’t know if its air flow or something else. Any advice ? ( engine still turns over as well)

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When it won't run, check fuel pressure with a gauge and check a spark plug wire to see if you have spark. Let us know what you find. If you don't have a fuel pressure tester gauge you can borrow one from an auto parts store.

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Assuming the vehicle ran ok prior to the replacement fuel line, sounds like it's not getting fuel. The pressure issue pointed out by Ronnie may be a contributing factor. However, I'd recheck the replacement fuel line for a "kink" or some other obstruction. 

You apparently did not change the fuel filter, and perhaps you should consider doing so. 

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