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Very low refrigerant/wipers not turning off


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Recently bought two 89's (one not running for parts),and the running one everything is still original and works for the most part.


I keep getting a message that the refrigerant is very low, would I need an adapter to fix and if so which one?


And for the wipers, would I just be better off trying to replace the motor?


Very new to these, not that used to old cars. Help appreciated thank you 🙂 

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Welcome to the ROJ forum! You probably need to add Freon to get the A/C going. The way to do that and the tools you will need depends on whether your A/C has the original R12 freon in it or has been changed over to the newer R134a freon. This link will help you determine which one your car has.


Reatta Owners Journal - How To Identify Change To R134a Freon

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