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My 1990 Reatta will only stay running for about 1 minute then shuts off ??


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I need the help of you Reatta experts.  My White Reatta sat for a long time during the extreme heat here in Texas.  When I started it and drove just a short distance it quit.  I decided that it ran out of gas  I added gas and it would crank but not running very good.  I assumed that it might be trash in the Gas after sitting a long time.   I have since put a new gas tank, new fuel pump, new filter, new pressure regulator, new injectors, and new fresh gas.  As mentioned above, it will now crank, and run for about a minute while it is cool and then dies.   I then thought maybe the relay was heating up so I changed it.  I am now thinking it must be electrical or computer since everything gas related is now new.  Has anyone else had this problem.  Any suggestions would be appreciate.  I would really like to be driving it and not working on it all the time.  Thanks.  LK

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Hi Larry. Welcome to the forum! I know you have replaced fuel system components, but have you put a fuel pressure tester on the fuel rail and watched to see if you lose pressure when the engine dies. If not you should do that. Instructions are here for doing that.  Fuel Pressure Testing


Once you know the fuel pressure is staying above 35 psi when the engine dies, you can start troubleshooting the ignition system. We can help with that. The Ignition Control Module (ICM) is a common cause of the engine dying once it heats up, and then starting up again when it cools off.

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Hi Ronnie:  I do not have a fuel pressure gauge but I think that my grandson may have one.  The ICM makes a lot of since I know that the way it is acting that something is heating up and then it stops.  Let it cool down and then it starts again.  Thanks for your help.  We will check these out.  LK

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