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Key Fob not working

Ron Walker

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My key fobs are not working. Replaced the batteries and no help. Do I need to reprogram them, or are they "shot" and need replaced? 


It started out months ago when one fob quit working, so I just changed to the other fob which worked for awhile, but no longer. Been using the key, but if a reprogram will make them operable again,  I'll try that. If a reprogram will not help, I'll just keep using the key. Not interested in replacing the fobs entirely. 

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Thanks rogold. Just to clarify, are you suggesting that if the fobs "die",  reprograming them will bring them "back to life"?

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I guess if you can get one fob to work, it would prove the module can be programmed, and the other fob (since it did work in the past) is defective.

If neither will program the module may have gone bad or has lost its power. Or both fobs are bad.

Edited by rogold
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Don't forget to go through the programming sequence twice, even if you only have one working fob.

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I don't know if my fobs work as I no longer lock my car... anywhere. Seriously if someone breaks into our cars and breaks something trying to get in, what they break is probably worth more then they would get. We do put stuff in the trunk.

 Also I find that our cars are rare and as I park off a ways from others my cars are pretty much left alone [except for the admirers].

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3 hours ago, DAVES89 said:

I don't know if my fobs work as I no longer lock my car... anywhere.

I lock all my cars...every time/anywhere.  I even lock the '00 Eldo when it is in my locked garage, I lock the '91 Reatta when it is in my igloo.  It's just an old habit of mine going back decades.  The '14 Caddy ATS locks itself as I walk away from it.

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