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backyard rescue

Skip Smith

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Greetings, Reatta owners!  Several weeks ago, a couple of SW Mizzurah geezers rescued a '90 Reatta that had sat in a backyard in a small town in SW MO for at least 7 years, reason unknown.  The car is missing instrument cluster/bezel, otherwise seems to be complete.  The car starts, runs, stops, transaxle must be shifted under the hood, console shifter doesn't work.  Power steering leaks, maybe hoses. A myriad of other probs.  Photos will be posted in the near future.  My partner and I will be offering the car in "as-is" condition as a parts car.  Contact info will accompany photos.


Skip Smith 

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Like that is pretty much a "parts car". All depends on the condition of the body and chassis. Parts are available.

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Body is pretty good, as far as I can tell.  There is rust-through at the front edge of both rear wheel openings.  Leather is in fair condition.

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" reason unknown" what happens when you do not mow the lawn.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There would need to be some other very compelling reason to pay that much for a parts car, especially sight unseen. Remove that first digit after the $ and it would be closer to the value, maybe.

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I've bought 5 parts cars and have yet to spend more then $500.00 for the purchase price. Just about a year ago I bought a high mileage [190,000 miles] 1988 that was a 10 inside, 8 outside for $1000.00. The ABS or A/C doesn't work, but it is a great running car.

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1 hour ago, Padgett said:

I usually figure a grand each if AC or ABS doesn't work.

Yup, trolling at the wrong depth for a nibble in a knowledgeable pond.

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